Dinner Short Course (SC2)

Tuesday, August 28, 6:30-9:00 pm

Next-Generation Immunotherapies: Part 1

Please join us for a two-part dinner workshop series featuring presentations on the latest immunotherapy technologies from emerging companies. Learn about engineering the next-generation immunotherapies coming down the pipeline, including bi-specific and multi-specific antibody constructs, fully recombinant antibody prodrugs, innovative multivalent therapeutics, immunotherapeutic fusion proteins, antibody-drug conjugates, and other innovative approaches.

6:30 Dinner and Introductions

Moderator: Mark Throsby, PhD, Executive Vice President & CSO, Merus NV

6:45 Unbiased Functional Screening of Large Bispecific Antibody Panels to Unlock Novel Biology

Throsby_MarkMark Throsby, PhD, Executive Vice President & CSO, Merus NV

The bispecific antibody format represents an emerging therapeutic modality. We have developed a set of robust and validated technologies that permits unbiased in-format functional screening to identify human full-length IgG bispecific antibodies candidates with superior therapeutic properties. Two case studies will be presented where this approach has been successful employed to discovery lead candidates with differentiating properties that are now in clinical development.

7:10 Development of MabPair Technology, a Novel Platform for Developing Bifunctional Antibody Products

Yan_WeiWei Yan, PhD, CEO, Research, Sound Biologics

We have developed a novel technology that enables the production of two full length IgG molecules from a single production cell line. This was achieved by using a molecular engineering approach from which we can precisely control the correct pairing of antibody heavy chains and light chains during the assembly of two antibodies in the same cell line. This technology platform, which has been designated as MabPair, can be applied for the development of therapeutic antibody products that contain a mixture of two antibodies. MabPair products can offer significant advantages and flexibility over those of bispecific antibodies when addressing multiple targets. We will describe the development of PSB205, our lead MabPair product candidate, that targets two immune checkpoint pathways, and its potential in cancer immunotherapy.

7:35 ProTIA – Bispecific T Cell Engagers That Combine Tumor Antigen Binding, Local Protease Activation, and Polymer Exclusion from Normal Tissues

Schellenberger_VolkerVolker Schellenberger, PhD, President & CEO, Amunix

ProTIAs are highly potent bispecific T cell engagers. ProTIAs are administered to patients as inactive long half-life prodrugs. Activation by tumor-associated proteases occurs within tumor tissue. The released active form has a short circulation half-life, which minimizes the risk of systemic exposure. Amunix’s proprietary XTEN™ protein polymer provides half-life modulation, masking of binding sites, and facilitates manufacturing of ProTIA prodrugs.

8:00 Coffee Break

8:10 Probody Therapeutics: Antibody Pro-Drugs Designed for Safer and More Effective Cancer Therapies

Kavanaugh_MichaelW. Michael Kavanaugh, MD, CSO, Head, Research and Non-Clinical Development, Cytomx Therapeutics

Probody™ therapeutics are fully recombinant antibody prodrugs that are converted to active antibodies by tumor-associated proteases. They are designed to protect normal tissues while concentrating active antibody in tumors, thereby widening the therapeutic index. Examples of the application of Probody technology to multiple antibody-based therapies will be presented, including checkpoint blocking naked antibodies directed against PD-(L)1 and CTLA-4, antibody-drug conjugates, and T cell-engaging bispecific antibodies.

8:35 ADAPTIR Bispecific Proteins: Stable, Manufacturable Therapeutics for Cancer Immunotherapy

Comeau_MichaelMichael Comeau, Principal Scientist, Immunobiology, Aptevo Therapeutics

The presentation will highlight the activity, stability and manufacturability of ADAPTIR bispecifics and will include recent data for a lead preclinical candidate, APVO436, which targets CD123 and CD3. APVO436 has shown potent biological activity in preclinical studies and is rapidly advancing toward first-in-human clinical trials.

Preliminary Agenda Image

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