About the Immuno-Oncology Summit 2025

Commercializing breakthrough immune-oncology therapeutics is becoming increasingly challenging due to funding limitations, high cost and attrition rates in the clinic, regulatory uncertainties, persistent therapeutic safety and efficacy concerns, and a general lack of understanding of basic biology guiding research in this space. As we develop the 2025 conference program, we are struck by the fact that, despite these challenges, there remains a strong desire to continue to find effective therapeutics for solid tumors.

The 13th Annual Immuno-Oncology Summit showcases successes in preclinical and clinical studies grounded in a deep understanding of biology. Coverage spans solid tumor innovations, including bi/multispecific antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), allogenic and in vivo CAR-Ts, TILs, TCRs, Tregs, multiple cell therapies working together, the tumor microenvironment, innate immunity, gamma delta T cells, NK cells, organoid modeling, data science, and machine learning. The program also explores autoimmunity as a critical and complementary area of focus.

Preliminary Agenda Image

Conference Programs