Meet Thought Leaders in Cancer Immunotherapy at the Premier Annual IO Event
As our understanding of tumor immunology has advanced, immuno-oncology has made unprecedented progress in improving the outcomes for cancer patients. Still, with the field in its infancy, the full curative potential of IO has yet to be realized. CHI’s 4th Annual Immuno-Oncology Summit has been designed to support a coordinated effort by industry players to bring commercial immunotherapies and immunotherapy combinations through clinical development and into the market. This weeklong, nine-meeting set will include topics ranging from early discovery through clinical development as well as emerging areas such as oncolytic virotherapy. Overall, this event will provide a focused look at how researchers are applying new science and technology in the development of the next generation of effective and safe immunotherapies.

Who Will Attend?
Scientific leaders, C-level executives, professors, site directors and researchers from pharma, biotech, academia, and government working in the areas of immuno-oncology, immunotherapy, antibody and protein engineering, biomarker discovery, immunology, cell and gene therapy, and preclinical and clinical development

Conference Tracks


Immunomodulatory Therapeutic Antibodies for Cancer/16/Oncolytic Virus ImmunotherapyTS: Immunotherapy for Drug DiscoveryRational Combination Cancer Immunotherapy/16/Personalized ImmunotherapyPreclinical and Translational Immuno-OncologyAdoptive T Cell TherapyBiomarkers for Immuno-OncologyClinical Trials for Cancer Immunotherapy 
Immunomodulatory Therapeutic Antibodies for CancerOncolytic Virus ImmunotherapyTS: Immunotherapy for Drug DiscoveryRational Combination Cancer ImmunotherapyPersonalized ImmunotherapyPreclinical and Translational Immuno-OncologyAdoptive T Cell TherapyBiomarkers for Immuno-OncologyClinical Trials for Cancer Immunotherapy 

Plenary Keynote Presentations:

Ed_FritschPersonalized, Neoantigen-Based Immunotherapy

Edward Fritsch, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer, Neon Therapeutics, Inc.

Multiple lines of evidence have demonstrated the critical role that Neoantigens have in the immune response to cancer and the availability of next-generation sequencing to identify personal, neoantigen-creating mutations has opened the door to directly enhance the power and breadth of host immunity to overcome this deadly disease.

Michael RosenzweigEmerging Innate Immune Targets for Enhancing Adaptive Anti-Tumor Responses

Michael Rosenzweig, Ph.D., Executive Director, Biology-Discovery, IMR Early Discovery, Merck Research Laboratories

Novel cancer immunotherapies targeting T cell checkpoint proteins have emerged as powerful tools to induce profound, durable regression and remission of many types of cancer. Despite these advances, multiple studies have demonstrated that not all patients respond to these therapies, and the ability to predict which patients may respond is limited. Harnessing the innate immune system to augment the adaptive anti-tumor response represents an attractive target for therapy, which has the potential to enhance both the percentage and rate of response to checkpoint blockade.

Morganna FreemanReading Tea Leaves: The Dilemma of Prediction and Prognosis in Immunotherapy

Morganna Freeman, D.O., Medical Oncologist, Immunotherapeutics, The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute

With the rapid expansion of immunotherapeutics in oncology, scientifically significant advances have been made with both the depth and duration of antitumor responses. However, not all patients benefit, or quickly relapse, thus much scientific inquiry has been devoted to appropriate patient selection and how such obstacles might be overcome. While more is known about potential biomarkers, accurate prognostication persists as a knowledge gap, and efforts to bridge it will be discussed here.

Preliminary Agenda Image

Conference Programs