CHI’s 5th Annual Immuno-Oncology SummitPowering Next Generation Targeted Immunotherapies – saw record attendance! Over 550 delegates hailing from 26 countries gathered in Boston for a week-long summit of cutting-edge presentations by established Pharma & Biotech thought-leaders, top academics and researchers, and a collection of emerging scientists exploring next-generation breakthroughs in the burgeoning area of immuno-oncology. In addition to productive and energetic conference sessions, the exhibit hall also enjoyed record turnout, playing host to 36 exhibit booths and 39 poster presentations.

The Immuno-Oncology Summit At-A-Glance
Scientist/Technologist: 26%
Executive: 23%
Director: 20%
Manager: 6%
Sales/Marketing: 12%
Professor: 11%
Other: 2%
Biotech: 54%
Big Pharma: 17%
Academic: 11%
Healthcare Provider: 9%
Government/Finance/Press/Other: 7%
CRO: 2%

Plenary Keynotes

Graeme E. Price, Ph.D.

Research Microbiologist,

Gene Transfer & Immunogenicity, FDA CBER

Gergana ZlatevaGergana Zlateva, Ph.D.,

Vice President

Payer Insights and Access, Oncology, Pfizer

Learn more


Preliminary Agenda Image

Conference Programs